The Best SEO Advice for Electricians From a Perth SEO Expert


There are now over 45,700 electrical services businesses in Australia. Does your electrician business appear for every online search? If you don’t appear at the top of the first page, you may never generate brand awareness.

With search engine optimisation (SEO), you can improve your organic rankings to reach new customers online. Higher rankings lead to more website traffic, leads, and sales.

Not sure how to improve your electrician SEO rankings? Read on to discover the best practices you need to apply to rank up!

Research Your Target Audience

Connect with your target audience by creating personalised content. Over 50% of customers switch brands if a company doesn’t personalise communications. Personalising your content can boost your ROI by eight times and sales by 10%.

To create personalised content, define your audience using demographic and psychographic research. Consider the customer’s:

  • Location
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Income
  • Career
  • Education
  • Marital status
  • Buying behaviours
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Online behaviours
  • Pain points

Create a buyer persona for each customer group. These personas may search different terms while looking for electricians online. Draft a list of target keywords for each group to appeal to their needs.

When writing blog content, imagine the customer group you’re trying to reach. Talk to them! Empathise with their situation, appeal to their interests, and show how you can help.

Find Long-Tail Keywords

Google prioritises website content that matches the search engine user’s intent. Search intent is usually:

  • Transactional
  • Commercial
  • Navigational
  • Informational

Recognising the user’s needs can help you create relevant website content. Google will display your content for more searches. You’ll gain more online visibility and traffic if you rank for a range of keywords.

Gather keyword research to determine what terms people use when looking for electricians online. Use SEMRush, Google Trends, and Keyword Planner to build a list. Find a mix of long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords include four or more words. These terms are more precise, making the search intent more obvious.

Choose three or four secondary keywords for each primary keyword on your list. Use these keywords within your content to avoid keyword stuffing. Overusing your primary keyword could lead Google to penalise your site.

Create Relevant Content

After gathering audience and keyword research, create personalised content for your blog. Diversify your content marketing strategy with a mix of:

  • Blog posts/articles
  • eBooks
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Videos
  • Polls
  • Quizzes
  • Infographics
  • Webinars

Each content format can appeal to consumers at different points in the buyer’s journey.

People in the awareness stage prefer educational and editorial content. Those in the consideration stage prefer expert guides, videos, and live interactions. Customers in the decision stage prefer case studies and vendor comparisons.

When writing your content, add elements of EEAT:

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness

Adding EEAT to your content will establish your credibility as an electrician. Future clients may be more inclined to trust your expertise.

Improve your EEAT score by prioritising quality over quantity. Add author bios to your blog posts. Cite reliable sources and monitor your content to ensure it’s accurate and helpful.

Put My Business on Google

Help locals find your electrician business by claiming and optimising your Google Business listing. Your profile will appear on Google Search and Maps. It will display your company’s:

  • Name
  • Service area
  • Business hours
  • Five-star rating
  • Phone number
  • Address/directions
  • Website
  • Recent updates
  • Photos and videos

Optimising your listing will help you appear for local searches. You can generate direct calls to your business to generate leads.

Make sure the information on your listing is accurate. Match the spelling and abbreviations on your profile to what appears on your website. Google will compare the two to ensure accuracy.

Generate Positive Reviews

Customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Generating positive reviews can help you attract new customers. It can also improve your online rankings.

Ask customers to share their feedback after providing your services. Act on their feedback to make informed changes to how you operate. Making adjustments will show customers that you care and want to improve.

Don’t delete negative comments. Instead, respond and try to find a solution. Customers may change their reviews based on your customer service.

Have a User-Friendly Website

Google will review your company website when determining your rankings. Make sure your site is:

  • Fast
  • Mobile-friendly
  • User-friendly
  • Secure

Follow Google’s Core Web Vitals to improve the user experience (UX). A user-friendly website is easy to navigate and use.

If there are problems with your website, visitors will leave without exploring. Your bounce rate will increase, causing organic rankings to drop.

Apply Link-Building Strategies

Add internal and external links throughout your blog content.

Internal links will direct readers to other pages on your website. For example, you can direct them to your service pages or other blog posts. This will increase user dwell times, which can boost your rankings.

External links direct readers to other websites. Use these links to improve your EEAT scores. Reference other blog posts, studies, or helpful information to support claims within your content.

The most important of these link-building strategies is generating backlinks. These links appear on other websites. They direct readers to your blog content.

Generating high-quality backlinks can benefit your domain authority and organic rankings. You can generate referral traffic and engage new customers.

To generate backlinks, prioritise creating high-quality content that people want to reference in their posts. Explore guest blogging opportunities and write for someone else’s website. Add a link to your own content to attract customers to your electrical business.

Hire an SEO Expert

Instead of applying these tips alone, consider partnering with an electrician SEO expert. Working with a digital marketing agency will ensure you create a comprehensive strategy. You can focus on all four types of SEO: on-page, off-page, technical, and local.

Choose an agency that keeps up with the latest SEO marketing trends. Appealing to these trends can give you a competitive advantage.

Improve Your Electrician SEO Rankings Today

Ranking at the top of search engine result pages will direct more people to your electrician business. Use these electrician SEO best practices to rank up. Otherwise, partner with an expert at SEO Agency Perth.

Our holistic digital marketing agency specialises in helping clients achieve their business goals. Trust our customised solutions and results-driven team. Contact us to develop your SEO marketing strategy.


Reem Kubba

Marketing Strategist | Web & SEO Whisperer
