Fixing SEO Cannibalisation Issues


SEO cannibalisation happens when multiple pages on your website target the same keyword and compete against each other. This competition can confuse search engines and harm your site’s rankings. Instead of one strong page, you end up with several weak ones. This diminishes your chances of ranking well, leading to lost traffic and opportunities.

Understanding and solving SEO cannibalisation can seem complex, but you can protect and enhance your site’s rankings with the right strategies. Taking action now can significantly improve your site’s search performance and overall user experience.

Understanding SEO Cannibalisation

SEO cannibalisation occurs when more than one page on your website targets the same keyword or topic. This internal competition can confuse search engines because they don’t know which page to prioritise. As a result, your pages might compete against each other in search rankings, leading to poorer performance overall.

This issue can dilute your site’s authority and reduce its potential to rank highly for important keywords. Instead of a single strong page, you end up with several weak ones that fail to reach their full potential. This split in focus means that none of the pages rank as well as they could if they had unique, dedicated keywords.

SEO cannibalisation can also lead to poor user experience. Visitors might land on a page that doesn’t fully meet their needs, causing frustration and higher bounce rates. Fixing this issue ensures that each page on your website serves a clear, unique purpose, providing better value to your visitors and better performance in search rankings.

Identifying Cannibalised Pages

Discovering which pages on your site compete against each other is the first step to fixing SEO cannibalisation. Here are some methods to help you identify them:

1. Check Google Analytics: Look at your top-performing pages in Google Analytics. Check if multiple pages are ranking for the same keyword. They may compete if they have similar traffic patterns or drop-offs.

2. Use Google Search Console: Check the performance report in Google Search Console. Look for pages that are getting impressions for the same queries. Multiple pages appearing for the same search terms could cannibalise each other.

3. Conduct an SEO Audit: Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can help you do an SEO audit. These tools will show you pages with overlapping keywords. They can also provide insights into which pages need to be merged or redirected.

4. Manual Search: Conduct a manual search for your target keywords in Google. Look at which of your pages appear in the results. If you see more than one of your pages ranking for the same keyword, this points to cannibalisation.

5. Content Review: Review the content on your site. Look for articles or pages with similar titles, headers, or topics. These could be competing against each other.

Using these methods, you can identify which pages cannibalise your SEO efforts and take steps to address them. Once identified, you can merge, rewrite, or delete content to resolve the issue, ensuring each page on your site has a unique focus and purpose.

Solving Cannibalisation Issues

Fixing SEO cannibalisation requires a few simple steps. Here’s a guide to help you fix and prevent this problem:

1. Merge Similar Content: Combine pages targeting the exact keywords into a comprehensive page. Ensure the new page covers all the crucial points and provides more value than the old, separate pages.

2. Use 301 Redirects: After merging content, use 301 Redirects to send visitors from the old pages to the new consolidated page. This tells search engines that the old pages have permanently moved, helping to maintain link equity.

3. Update Internal Links: Change internal links that pointed to the old pages so they now link to the new page. This ensures visitors and search engines find the updated content.

4. Optimise Meta Tags: Ensure the new combined page’s title tags, meta descriptions, and headers are unique and relevant. They should indicate what the page is about, helping with SEO.

5. Differentiate Content: Ensure each page on your site targets different keywords and topics. Avoid creating content that overlaps. Use keyword research to find unique angles for each new page.

6. Use Noindex Tags Where Needed: For pages you don’t want to rank, use a noindex tag. This tells search engines to avoid indexing those pages and prevents them from competing with more critical content.

Following these steps, you can effectively resolve SEO cannibalisation and ensure your website is optimised for search engines. This will help improve your rankings and provide a better experience for your visitors.

Maintaining Optimised Content

Keeping your content optimised is a continuous process. Here are some tips to regularly check for potential SEO cannibalisation and maintain your content:

1. Perform Regular Audits: Schedule regular SEO audits to detect any new instances of cannibalisation. Use tools like Google Search Console and SEO auditing software to help.

2. Monitor Keyword Performance: Monitor your keyword rankings. If you notice a drop in performance, check if multiple pages target the same keyword.

3. Update and Repurpose Content: Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and unique. If you have older pages that no longer serve their purpose, consider repurposing or consolidating them.

4. Use an Editorial Calendar: Plan your content creation with an editorial calendar. This helps ensure you cover unique topics and avoid creating overlapping content.

5. Communicate with Your Team: If you work with a team, communicate regularly to avoid duplicating efforts. Ensure everyone knows which topics are covered and what’s in the pipeline.

6. Stay Updated on SEO Practices: SEO guidelines and practices can change. Stay informed about the latest SEO trends and algorithms to ensure your site remains compliant and effective.

These tips will help maintain your website’s optimisation and prevent future cannibalisation issues. Regular checks and updates keep your content fresh and relevant, ensuring better search engine performance.


Addressing SEO cannibalisation is crucial for improving your site’s performance and user experience. The first steps are understanding what it is and identifying overlapping pages. You can solve these issues effectively by merging, redirecting, and optimising content. Regularly checking your content prevents future problems and keeps your site running smoothly.

Focusing on unique and valuable content for each page ensures that search engines correctly index and rank your site. This leads to better visibility and higher traffic. As a result, your site becomes a valuable resource for visitors, providing them with the information they need.

Ready to fix your SEO cannibalisation issues? Contact The SEO Room today. Our SEO agency in Perth can help you optimise your site and achieve better search engine rankings. Let us assist you in creating a well-structured, high-performing website.


Reem Kubba
