SEO Websites

How to Recover from a Google Algorithm Update


Google frequently updates its search algorithms to improve the quality of search results. While these updates aim to enhance user experience, they can sometimes negatively impact your website’s rankings. If you notice a sudden drop in your site’s traffic or rankings, a Google algorithm update might be the cause.

Recovering from such an update can feel overwhelming, but it’s essential to act swiftly and strategically. Understanding the nature of these updates and their intended purpose can help you identify the areas of your website that need improvement. Whether it’s a core update affecting broad issues or a smaller update targeting specific practices, knowing what changed is the first step to recovery.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to recognise the impact of a Google algorithm update and provide actionable strategies to help your site recover. By the end, you’ll also learn best practices to future-proof your site against potential negative impacts from future updates. Let’s dive in and get your site back on track.

Understanding Google Algorithm Updates

Google algorithm updates are changes made to Google’s search engine algorithm. These updates help Google provide more relevant and high-quality search results to users. Some updates are minor and go unnoticed, while others can significantly affect search rankings and website traffic.

The purpose of these updates is to improve user experience by rewarding good content and penalising poor practices. Google aims to push sites with valuable, trustworthy content to the top of search results. Conversely, sites using black hat SEO tactics or low-quality content may see a drop in their rankings. Understanding why these updates happen can help you adapt and maintain good SEO practices.

Algorithm updates are inevitable and often come without warning. It’s essential to stay informed about these changes and be prepared to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. Regularly checking SEO news sites and following Google’s official announcements can keep you in the loop about upcoming updates.

Identifying the Impact of an Update

To determine if a Google algorithm update has affected your site, follow these steps:

1. Check Your Traffic and Rankings: A sudden drop in website traffic or rankings is a key indicator. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor your traffic and keyword performance.

2. Consult SEO News Sources: Check reliable SEO news websites and forums for information about recent updates. If an update aligns with the timing of your traffic drop, there’s a good chance it’s the cause.

3. Review Google’s Announcements: Visit Google’s official blog and social media channels for confirmation of updates. They often provide insights into what the update targeted and recommend best practices.

4. Analyse Your Website: Conduct a thorough review of your website. Look for issues with content quality, keyword stuffing, poor user experience, or technical SEO problems. Identifying the areas where your site may fall short can help you pinpoint the problem.

By following these steps, you can confirm whether an algorithm update has impacted your website. Identifying the problem is the first step towards recovery and helps you take targeted action to restore your rankings.

Strategies to Recover from an Algorithm Update

Recovering from a Google algorithm update involves a series of actionable steps. Here’s a list of strategies to help you improve your site and restore its rankings:

1. Enhance Content Quality: Google rewards high-quality, informative content. Review your existing content for accuracy, depth, and relevance. Add more valuable information, update outdated details, and remove any duplicate content.

2. Fix Technical SEO Issues: Conduct an SEO audit to identify technical issues like broken links, slow page load times, and mobile-friendliness. Tools like Google Search Console can help you spot and fix these problems.

3. Improve User Experience (UX): Ensure your site is user-friendly. Simplify navigation, improve page load speed, and make sure your site is mobile-responsive. A better user experience can improve your site’s overall ranking.

4. Build High-Quality Backlinks: Focus on earning backlinks from reputable sources related to your industry. Avoid spammy links and aim for quality over quantity. Guest blogging, partnerships, and creating shareable content can help.

5. Optimise On-Page SEO: Make sure your meta tags, headers, and images are properly optimised. Use relevant keywords naturally and ensure your site structure is clear and easy to understand.

6. Review and Update Your Keywords: Conduct keyword research to find new, relevant keywords for your site. Shift focus towards long-tail keywords that may be less competitive but more targeted.

By following these strategies, you can start recovering from an algorithm update and improve your site’s search engine rankings.

Best Practices to Future-Proof Your Website

To avoid negative impacts from future algorithm updates, follow these best practices:

1. Regularly Update Content: Keep your content fresh and relevant by updating it regularly. This not only helps with rankings but also keeps your audience engaged.

2. Monitor Your Site’s Health: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to continuously monitor your site’s performance. Quickly addressing any issues that arise can prevent long-term problems.

3. Focus on Quality: Always prioritise high-quality content, whether it’s blog posts, product descriptions, or images. Google favours sites that provide value to users.

4. Stay Informed: Keep up with SEO news and Google’s official announcements. Being aware of upcoming changes can help you prepare and adapt your strategy accordingly.

5. Maintain Good SEO Practices: Avoid black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing or buying backlinks. Stick to white hat techniques that align with Google’s guidelines.

6. Ensure Site Security: Protect your website from threats by using HTTPS and keeping all software up to date. A secure site is less likely to face penalties.

By implementing these best practices, you can make your website more resilient to future algorithm updates. Continuous improvement and adherence to SEO best practices are key to maintaining a strong online presence.


Recovering from a Google algorithm update can seem challenging, but with the right approach, you can bounce back stronger. By understanding the nature of these updates, identifying their impact, and applying effective recovery strategies, you can restore and even improve your site’s search rankings. Additionally, adopting best practices to future-proof your website ensures that you stay ahead of potential updates, maintaining a consistent and robust online presence.

If you’re looking for expert guidance to enhance your site’s performance, consider reaching out to SEO Room. We specialise in holistic website design, SEO, and marketing strategies that can help you navigate update challenges and achieve long-term success. Contact our SEO agency in Perth today and let’s optimise your site’s future together.


Reem Kubba
