
Ten Important Elements Your Content Strategy Should Have – Part 2

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In the first part of this two-part article, The SEO Room covered five of the elements of content marketing strategy that every business owner should know about. Coming up with brand guidelines to determining your objective, doing market research, and creating a buyer’s persona and journey are just some of the things that the marketing team needs to nail if they want their content marketing strategy to work.

Now for the second part, we complete the list with the other five essential elements that every content marketing strategy needs:

Create Content That Fits Your Market

It is important to know which topics are relevant to your industry that would make your content valuable. Always ask yourself what’s creating a buzz in your field presently and what can you contribute to the conversation. Better yet, is there something that you can start and an original conversation you can begin that could get others in the industry talking? These are some questions you need to ask when you’re coming up with topics for your content.

Additionally, you need to know what form of content makes the most impact on your target audience. Are they more of the blog-reading audience, or do they prefer watching videos? Perhaps they’re into podcasts and sharing social media posts. These are all things that need careful consideration.

Do a Resource Assessment

When you’re coming up with content, you need to be clear about how much resources will be allotted to your strategies. What’s your budget for your content, and how is it going to be divided between production, distribution, and other aspects? Are you going to have an in-house team for your content, or are you planning to outsource it? How many people do you need to get the kind the content that you want? Perhaps you need a graphic artist, a photographer, a writer, a social media company and others. Make sure that you determine how much you’re working with and take that into consideration when planning a strategy.

Practice and Test the Process

Every team has its own workflow, and it’s the same for a content team. You need to establish a process as to how you’re going to tackle everything that needs to be done. Once you’ve figured it out, go ahead and try if it works. By testing the process, you can see if there are gaps or confusing parts that need tweaking. Once you got the process down, work on its implementation and ensure that it becomes a “habit” for everyone involved.

Establish Internal Communication

You need to be able to communicate your plan for your content strategy with everyone in the company that’s involved in this, especially your stakeholders. You shouldn’t think of your content team as an island. You should hear the thoughts of other departments to see if they’re aligned with what you have in mind. You might want to consider working collaboratively with others to make sure you’re on the same page.

Finalize a Content Calendar

When you reach this stage, it means you’re all ready to begin assigning tasks. You are going to need an editorial calendar, complete with topics, campaigns, when the content is due, and who is in charge of every single piece of content you’re coming up with. That’s the only way you can approach your content strategy in an organized manner.


As you can see, strategizing for content marketing is not as easy as some might have thought. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of planning to ensure that everything goes right. For a business owner who’s busy taking care of things, this could be a tedious task, especially when they’re dealing with other aspects of their business. In such cases, it’s advisable that you work with seasoned pros from a search engine marketing company that knows how content marketing works.

The SEO Room can take care of your strategies for content marketing in Perth to ensure that you are putting out content that’s going to get the attention of your audience and engage them. Contact us today and see what we can do for you!


Reem Kubba

Marketing Strategist | Web & SEO Whisperer
