
Ten Important Elements Your Content Strategy Should Have – Part 1

Creating online content

Content is one of the foundations of a strong marketing strategy. When done right, your content can get the right kind of attention for your brand, but if you get it wrong and you just come up with content just for the sake of having them, it could reflect negatively on you.

It is, therefore, important that you exert effort for content marketing strategy. You want to be known as a trusted authority in your industry, after all. But what do you need exactly to produce high-quality content that will gain you traffic and customer trust?

The SEO Room, your experts on content marketing in Perth, shares ten elements of content marketing you need to get right:

Create Some Brand Guidelines

Here’s the thing you need to take care of first. If you have many people or different teams representing your brand, you need to establish clear guidelines as to the brand image – the personality, tone of voice, and language you want to use. That is because you want to make sure things are cohesive. You can create documentation or a handbook for employee education so everybody could be on the same page.

Come Up with Marketing Goals

Before you move forward with your strategies, you should first determine what your marketing goals are. You need to come up with your KPIs or key performance indicators. These will be your metrics that you’ll use to determine whether or not you are meeting your goals. 

You should have both short-term and long-term goals and constantly assess your brand’s performance to see your progress and whether or not those goals need to be adjusted every now and then, too.

Build Customer Personas

The reason you’re doing marketing strategies is that you want to reach people who can be your customers. You also need to determine the specific demographic that your products should be targeted to.

Take note of their personality profiles and make sure that you do proper research because you’re going to use the data you’ve collected to determine your audience. Some of the information you need to get includes age, gender, location, education, job title, household income, as well as things like fears, purchasing preferences and frictions, cultural influences, and more.

Do Data and Market Research

Even after having your buyer persona, you still need to continue doing research to deepen your insight and understanding of your customers. Social listening is something that can help you greatly. You can also use such tools as Google’s Consumer Barometer to determine the purchasing behavior of your online customers.

Establish a Customer Journey Map

Once you have the previous steps down, you can start working on your journey map. This will give a clearer idea as to what the customers’ needs are and what you can do to meet them. You need to understand the journey every customer takes from recognizing your brand to interacting with it and finally making a purchase. More importantly, you need to identify the parts of the journey where they could potentially pause and take a different direction from what you want them to take. That way, you can make the necessary adjustments, too.


These are just five of the ten elements that a trusted search engine marketing company will share with you. Here you have learned what you can call “laying the foundation” for your content marketing strategy – what you need to do before you actually start working on the content. In the second part of this article, we’ll continue with five equally important elements that you need to know if you want to boost your business’s presence online.

The SEO Room is the best SEO company in Perth that can help you nail your content marketing strategy so you won’t have to worry about it and simply reap the rewards. Contact us today to find out how we can help you!


Reem Kubba

Marketing Strategist | Web & SEO Whisperer
