When it comes to today’s modern world, the first impression counts. As such, the notion applies significantly to your company’s website. To give a great first impression, you must implement a strong and consistent strategy that will keep your visitors wanting more.
A great example of an effective and cost-efficient strategy is blogging. Businesses that blog on a regular basis generate 67% more monthly leads than those that do not, according to HubSpot. Through blogging in conjunction with SEO (search engine optimization), you increase lead generation whilst acquiring quality and quantity website traffic.
If your company, through your blog, is listed on the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, you will be able to attract more customers. This increases the likelihood of a consumer visiting your website and clicking on it. Your visitors may even share these blogs across their social media profiles, for free! What a deal!
Read on to discover more about the relevance of blogging to your website’s SEO, as well as tips on how to improve your website’s online presence.
Blogging Improves Organic Search
Between 70% and 80% of people ignore paid search results in favour of organic results. Consider organic search to be comparable to fresh fruits and vegetables–all-natural. This means there will be no need for paid advertisements, auctions, or bidding to propel your company to the top. Every time you publish a new blog post, you generate a new URL for your site, and each new URL increases the likelihood of your site being discovered in a search.
While blogging takes time, you can improve your search engine rankings by carefully selecting keywords and topics that will not only establish you as an industry expert but will also improve your search engine rankings.
Blogging Fosters the Creation of Original Content
Indexing occurs more frequently for newer content. Search engines frequent and favour websites that regularly update their social media platforms or websites with new content.
Search engines prefer fresh, relevant content. Regularly updating your homepage and landing pages will help you build relationships with your readers while also providing search engines with new content. Simply make sure it’s tasty!
Blogging Optimises Backlinking
Backlinking occurs when one website links to another reputable website. A common link serves two functions: it helps search engines find new web pages for websites and it helps searchers find them.
You must include a reputable website that is relevant to your current topic and statement in order to properly backlink. This will allow you to build relationships with other websites that will, in turn, help your own growth. It works even better if the other website includes a link to yours.
Blogging Solidifies Your Website’s Credibility
Blogging allows your company to communicate about industry-related topics. Blogs build trust among current and prospective customers, as well as search engines. Businesses that blog stand a better chance of being found, informed, and heard.
Developing an authoritative voice and reputation boosts website traffic and repeat visitors. This shows Google that your website is popular, increasing your authority in their algorithm.
The great thing about blogging is that you can set the tone of your brand while being relatable to your target audience. This way, you humanise your brand and integrate your company into people’s daily lives. And, at most, you can enjoy the process of brainstorming and executing original ideas! With the right words, you can soar through the Internet!
The SEO Room is an SEO agency in Perth that focuses on all-around services to boost your online platforms. Work with us today!