Web Design

UX: What Makes It Important and Beneficial in Web Design

person working

Some people may notice “UX” when it comes to web design. If you are new to the web design world or about to embark on getting your website designed by a professional web designer, you may not know precisely what UX is. Keep reading as we unfold what UX really is and why it is so important for web design. 

What Is UX?

UX means user experience. In web design, UX is the user interaction with a website. UX can also mean user experience with anything you create, not just websites. If your website has a good UX, the user will interact with the website more often, and the website will be more successful.

Why Is UX Important?

As a business owner, your main goal is to have your website working for you. Your website should grab the attention of your ideal clients and give a great UX to enhance the chances of conversions.     

There is nothing worse than a bad UX with web design; a bad UX will leave your customers frustrated, you will lose their trust, and they might leave your site and never come back again. 

What Are the Signs of Good UX?

Several factors can tell whether your website has good UX. Below are these signs:

1. Users Achieve Their Goals

Your users will visit your website to accomplish something. To help your users achieve this goal, you need to design your website so that it is easy for them to get to their goal. For example, if your website sells products, you make sure that the users will find the product page easily.

2. Users Do Not Get Lost

The users mustn’t get lost when they are interacting with your website. It should be easy to navigate and find what they are looking for. Confusing websites can be a turn-off.

3. Users Do Not Get Bored

While users interact with your content, you need to ensure that they are not getting bored. Ensure your web content is talking to your ideal clients and adding value.  Connecting with your ideal clients is vital to conversions. Think about the value you add to your clients when planning and writing your content. This will keep your web visitors engaged and entertained. 

4. Users Feel Informed

You need to make sure your website visitors are informed in the way they want to be when they land on your site. This means that your website holds relevant information pertaining to what they searched for or their intentions.

For Example, if a visitor lands on one of your website pages that are titled “Email Marketing” and then finds all sorts of general information about marketing, web design, social media and email marketing, the visitor will be disappointed. 

An “Email Marketing” web page should dedicate and focus the content around email marketing only.  This way, the web visitor will get the relevant information that they need to find without the fluff. This will give your web visitors a great UX. 

5. Users Feel Safe

Users need to feel safe when they are interacting with your website. They must feel like their data is being protected and that there are no viruses present. If they are not safe, they will probably not come back again. 

Ensuring your website has an SSL certificate will add a layer of security that enhances user trust. Adding a privacy policy to your website is important not only for your users but for Google.  You can find guidelines on what your privacy policy should include here

6. Users Feel Like They Are in Control

Users need to feel like they are in control of the website while interacting with it. If they do not feel like they are in control, they may leave the site.


As you can see, UX is very important. If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure that you have a good UX. You can always work with a UX design expert to ensure your customers have the best experience on your website. 

The SEO Room provides UX Web Design in Perth that helps your business attract the right customers and convert them into loyal clients. Our web design experts have great experience in WordPress, Shopify, and other platforms as well SEO for these platforms. Contact us today to discuss your UX web design requirements and offer you a free quote.   


Reem Kubba
