Most modern business owners today know how important search engine rankings are. If they’re not ranking high, they’re not getting enough exposure. Customers often rely on the first page of results when searching for products, services, or entertainment. To get to the top, you need a high ranking.
What is Alexa Ranking?
These days there are plenty of ranking platforms that provide this data. One of them is Alexa Ranking. Simply put, Alexa Ranking measures how popular a website is using the site’s estimated traffic and visitor engagement. They provide valuable information that can help you steer your business in the right direction.
In the past, Alexa was deemed inaccurate and unreliable because it only gathered data from users with the browser toolbar installed. However, Alexa Rank has improved and now collects data from millions of websites using their proprietary methodology.
What Can Your Ranking Do For You?
Your Alexa ranking can help your website’s visibility in multiple ways. Once you surpass the one million mark, you’ll be able to use your ranking to create more content. For example, once you’re in the million top ranking, Help A Reporter Out (HARO) will be available for you.
HARO is a free online service that connects journalists to help them acquire quotes from experts in a particular field. This can help create content that gives people expert opinions and information on any given topic relative to your brands. You can establish yourself as an industry expert and gain more site visitors and shares.
Other Benefits
Like everything in business, you want to rank high. A high Alexa Ranking comes with more benefits, just like the following:
- Compare with Your Competitors. A business needs to know where it stands. Find out how you hold up against your competitors and what you need to adjust to either get to their level or stay ahead.
- Find the Best Affiliates. Collaborations are great for growing your business or your brand. Alexa Ranking will help you find which collaborators fit the best with your brand, and who you should watch out for.
- Analytic Reports to Keep You Updated. Keep your brand up to speed on what’s working and what isn’t through detailed reports and analysis. With this information, you can quickly adapt to what people search for and provide the best answer for them.
How to Improve your Alexa Ranking?
That said, before you can reap the benefits, you need to get your site on the map. You can do this by doing several things:
- Install the Alexa Browser Extension. By installing this extension. You’re providing Alexa with more data to get better site traffic information, thereby helping everyone else.
- Build Links from Authoritative Sites. Adding onto the browser extension, connecting your content to authoritative sites in your particular niche just helps your content sound more reliable and increase the information available.
- Publish High-Quality Content Regularly. This mush is obvious, even if you weren’t looking to improve your ranking. Still, however, it helps to incentivise further creators and business owners to be creative.
- Share Your Content on Social Media. Be active about promoting your content through all your available channels.
As business owners, you must utilise every opportunity available to you. Visibility and popularity are a big part of what keeps your business running and growing. Alexa Ranking is just another tool to grow your audience and get your name out there.
If you’re already working on your search engine optimisation (SEO), whatever you’re doing already contributes to your Alexa Ranking. It’s just a matter of actively putting effort into it. Whether you’re a business, a personality, or a brand, the platform can provide you with valuable data to be successful.
To take full advantage of the rankings systems, you will need an SEO agency. The SEO Room is an Australian-based website design, SEO, and marketing agency located in Perth. We provide the tools and solutions your brand needs to achieve greater heights.