7 On-Page SEO Tips to Boost Your Shopify Store

ecommerce store, shopify seo tips

On-page SEO for Shopify is important to ensure your website is seen by as many people as possible. This can be done by optimizing your website for various search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Additionally, you can use on-page SEO techniques to improve the visibility of your site in SERPs (search engine results pages). By optimizing your website for these search engines, you can increase traffic and sales.

On-page SEO for Shopify includes things like adding keywords to your titles, descriptions, and tags, as well as creating helpful content that is both relevant and interesting to users. By doing this, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract more customers.

In order to rank higher in search engines, your Shopify store needs good on-page SEO. Here are five tips to help improve your store’s visibility: 

Tip #1: Use keyword research to determine which terms are most relevant to your niche and target them specifically.

If you’re looking to increase your online store’s traffic and sales, keyword research is essential. And for e-commerce shops, there are a few keywords you’ll want to focus on. Make sure are relevant to your products and their attributes. When you begin to put together your keyword list, consider the type of content that will be posted on your website.

There are keywords are that we call “Money Keywords” that help you get sales to your stores, and there are other keywords that focus more on providing valuable information to your customers and website visitors. Having a combination of these keywords is a good practice. Money keywords could be focused on for your collections and product keywords that help you rank your product categories or types.

Information and value-driven keywords are good to be used in your blogs, guides, and articles to allow consumers and website visitors to find out more about your products, where they could be used, styling ideas, answering FAQs, and so on.

Check out our Shopify SEO Guide and head to the Keyword Research For Shopify Section to get even more tips and tricks on finding the right keywords for your Shopify store.

Tip #2: Optimize images for search engine visibility 

Search engine visibility is important for any website, especially for eCommerce websites like Shopify. Images are one of the most visible elements of a website, so optimizing them for search engine visibility is essential. There are a few things to keep in mind when optimizing images for search engine visibility: 

1) Make sure your images are high resolution. This will help them show up better in search results and increase your website’s ranking.

2) Use keywords in your image titles and descriptions.

3) Create alt tags for each image 

Tip #3: Keep your keywords visible and consistent throughout your site.

This is one of the most important aspects of on-page SEO.

When it comes to on-page SEO, one of the most important aspects is making sure your keywords are visible and consistent throughout your site. But where should you add keywords to your Shopify content? And how do you choose the right ones?

First, you’ll need to identify which keywords are most relevant to your business. You can do this by using a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or semrush.

Once you’ve identified a few target keywords, head over to and add them to the ‘SEO’ section of your website settings. Keywords could be added to your title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and content. You also want to make sure that the keywords you target are relevant to your audience and products.

Head over to our comprehensive Shopify SEO Guide for more information about this.

Tip #4: Provide Great Product Descriptions

When you are writing a product description, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to make sure you are optimizing for ranking and conversions. First, be sure to use keywords throughout the description. This will help your product rank higher in search results, and also increase the likelihood that someone will click on your listing when they see it in search results.

Additionally, try to write compelling descriptions that will make people want to learn more about your product. This helps consumers stay longer on your product and collection pages and can result in more conversions.

Finally, make sure that your descriptions are accurate and up-to-date. This will ensure that potential buyers have all the information they need before making a purchase, and it will also help keep your listing rankings high.

Adding FAQs for each product is also a good practice to ensure you answer all relevant queries that your ideal customers might have before making a purchasing decision and this also helps with SEO.

Tip #5: Write compelling content for your Shopify Store

On-page SEO for Shopify starts with creating good content. This means writing about topics that your customers might be interested in and providing valuable information that they can use to make informed purchases. Keeping a good blog that is updated regularly with industry information and other valuable content helps make your Shopify Store an authority online, and enhances its ranking and conversions.

Internal links are an important part of any website, and Shopify stores are no exception. When used correctly, internal links can help improve your site’s search engine ranking, provide a better user experience, and even increase sales.

When creating links to other pages on your site, be sure to use keyword-rich anchor text. This will help improve your site’s search engine ranking, as well as make it easier for customers to find the information they’re looking for.

Also, be sure to use descriptive titles for your pages and include keywords wherever possible. This will help Google and other search engines understand what your pages are about, which can result in higher rankings in search results.

Tip #7: Keep your Shopify Store Healthy

Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It’s a great platform with lots of features, but it’s important to make sure your website health is good. This means no 404 errors, good website speed, and mobile responsiveness.

UX is also important – make sure the user experience is good so customers can find what they need and make purchases quickly and easily.

You also need to make sure your site looks good and is easy to navigate. This includes using well-organized navigation, clear font choices, and a thoughtful layout.

Final Words …

In conclusion, following these 7 Shopify SEO tips will help boost your Shopify store and increase traffic to your site. By optimizing your pages for search engines and using keywords strategically, you can improve your ranking in search results and attract more potential customers. So don’t overlook these tips – start implementing them today and see the results for yourself!

If this is all overwhelming for you, we are here to help. The SEO Room is an SEO Perth Agency with a team of SEO experts helping Shopify Store owners thrive online organically without paying for ads. We do offer an initial free SEO consult, contact us below for more details.


    Reem Kubba

    Marketing Strategist | Web & SEO Whisperer
