Web Design

7 Crucial Reasons to Have Responsive Web Design

responsive website on mobile

A well-designed website may be a game-changer for your company. It can significantly improve the entire user experience, resulting in more online traffic and perhaps more leads. 

Responsive web design, which ensures that your website’s interface adjusts to any device or screen, is one technique to maximise the experience of your website. It guarantees that your website looks good and works well on all devices. A mobile-responsive website adapts to any user’s platform and screen size. 

A mobile-friendly website is essential nowadays, especially since search engines prioritise this metric to boost user experience (UX). A responsive website also increases search engine visibility.

Let’s explore further the crucial reasons to have a responsive web design:

It Improves Online User Experience

Users will be unable to access information if your website is not responsive. Pop-ups, excessive images, and useless text might distract visitors, but a responsive site provides carefully curated information.

Responsive website design also simplifies website navigation for users on all devices. This is crucial because more than 61 per cent of users leave an unresponsive site. That dampens your conversion rates significantly. 

On the other hand, if users enjoy a website, 57 per cent of them will likely convert, which is what your website needs.

It Makes Websites Easier to Manage

Having a single website to manage all operations and attract customers on all devices simplifies management. Handling separate mobile and PC sites can be time-consuming and complicated, and maintaining different versions of your sites for various devices is costly.

For this reason, investing in one website’s responsiveness seems preferable to paying more for several sites. It will also aid you in the long run by improving your site’s development processes.

It Makes Your Easy to Use

Individual website searches drive the most traffic. Your website will benefit from increased lead generation, lead conversions, and other benefits when it is widely available on all devices. 

In other words, responsive web design increases the website’s usability and makes it easier for visitors to buy. Using mobile-responsive website design helps enhance sales for eCommerce businesses.

It Enables Quick Web Updates

If you don’t make developments to the single version of your website, you may lose a lot of chances to get ranked. With a responsive website design, your site will update quickly. You will also be able to make any number of changes in a single version of the site.

Single-platform sales growth saves time and money for businesses. Furthermore, it spares small enterprises from having to maintain several websites for mobile and PC consumers.

By sharing a website link with a mobile device, the mobile user may immediately view the website’s responsive layout.

A non-responsive website prevents mobile phone users from seeing all relevant information on the first page. A link to an inactive webpage is utterly ineffective for a mobile phone user and can lead to higher bounce rates.

It Lets You Create a Mobile Segment Easily

Responsive web design benefits both consumers and businesses as the mobile segment option simplifies website monitoring. Using a responsive website design, you can create a mobile section that displays all of your website’s stats. Most importantly, it enhances the company strategy for small business owners who want to keep in touch with website visitors. 

It Boosts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Ranking

Google prefers responsive webpages and these sites also score well in local searches. Because mobile devices now account for a significant amount of internet traffic, Google changed to mobile-first indexing. 

The data helps companies estimate how long visitors stay on their site and its performance in search engines. The mobile version of your site is what Google crawls. As a consequence, a responsive website is essential for SEO. 


Mobile phone use among the younger population is on the rise, while desktop browsing is decreasing. As a result, the company’s key responsibility is to ensure online presence via responsive web design.

If you need an SEO website design, The SEO Room is the best website design agency in Perth that offers a holistic approach to website design, SEO, and marketing. Get tailored and result-oriented marketing for your company that incorporates your company’s DNA and targets your ideal clients. Book your free SEO consultation with our SEO Whisperer today. 


Reem Kubba

Marketing Strategist | Web & SEO Whisperer
