Local SEO Tips That Every Small Business Should Follow

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As a small business owner, you may wonder how you can improve your website’s ranking in search engines. After all, you want potential customers to be able to find your site easily. Luckily, you can do a few simple things to improve your site’s SEO and help it rank higher in the search engines. Here are some local SEO tips for small businesses:

1. Optimise Your Google My Business Listing

One of the most important things you can do for your local SEO is to optimise your Google My Business listing. Make sure that all your information is up-to-date and accurate, and take the time to add photos and videos and write a compelling description of your business.

2. Claim Your Local Listings

In addition to your Google My Business listing, there are other local listings and directories that you should claim and optimise, such as Bing Places, Yelp, and Foursquare. These listings provide valuable citations that can help improve your local SEO.

Ensure your website is optimised for local search by including your city and state in your title tags, meta descriptions, and H1 tags. It would be best if you also created local landing pages for each service area.

One of the most important ranking factors for local SEO is link popularity. Make sure to build links from local directories and other high-quality websites. You can also create local partnerships and cross-promote with other businesses in your area.

5. Generate Positive Online Reviews

Online reviews are another important ranking factor for local SEO. Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing and other review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor. You may even provide incentives for them to do so, such as discounts or special offers.

6. Use Schema Markup

Schema markup is the code you can add to your website. Its purpose is to help search engines understand your content better. Adding schema markup for your location can help your website appear in more rich results, improving your click-through rate and organic traffic.

7. Optimise Your Social Media Profiles

Don’t forget to optimise your social media profiles for local SEO. You can do so by including your location in your profile information and using local keywords in your posts. It would help if you also considered creating location-specific social media pages for each service area.

8. Monitor Your Online Reputation

It’s essential to monitor your online reputation and address any negative reviews or comments promptly and professionally. You can use Google Alerts to receive email notifications whenever new content is published that contains your chosen keywords.

9. Publish Press Releases

If you’re currently working on newsworthy projects, consider writing and distributing a press release to announce your new venture to the local media.

10. Participate in Local Forums

Participating in local forums can help you build your brand’s reputation and generate exposure to your business. When responding to forum posts, make sure to include a link to your website.

11. Monitor Your SEO Metrics

Monitor your SEO metrics to track the progress of your local campaign and make sure you’re making progress. You can use Google Analytics to track website traffic, organic search traffic, and conversion rates.


Local SEO is extremely important for small businesses. Optimising your website for local search can significantly increase your visibility and draw in more potential customers. Additionally, by using local SEO tips and tricks, businesses can improve their ranking in search engine results pages, making it even easier for customers to find them.

If you are a local business owner looking to improve your local SEO in Perth, you’ve come to the right page. We believe in thinking outside the box to create effective and unique marketing strategies for your business. At The SEO Room, we take a holistic approach when working with our clients, taking into account all aspects of their business to create a well-rounded marketing plan. Book a FREE SEO and Marketing Consultation with our SEO Whisperer. 


Reem Kubba
